scraping yelp reviews

Revolutionize Your Data Analysis: Python Scraping of Yelp Reviews



Revolutionize your data analysis by scraping Yelp reviews with Python. Learn tools, techniques, and ethical considerations.

Introduction to Web Scraping

Web scraping is like having a superpower for the internet. It lets you pull data from websites, turning the web into your personal data goldmine. If you’re diving into data analysis, scraping Yelp reviews can reveal what customers really think and how businesses are doing. Knowing the basics of web scraping is a game-changer.

Web Scraping 101

Web scraping is all about using automated scripts or tools to grab data from web pages. You can collect text, images, links—pretty much anything you see on a webpage. Python is a go-to for this because it’s easy to use and has awesome libraries like BeautifulSoup and Pandas (Crawlbase).

Here’s what you need to know:

  • HTML Parsing: Use libraries like BeautifulSoup to pull data from HTML elements.
  • Data Storage: Save your scraped data in CSV files or databases for later use.
  • APIs: When available, APIs can give you structured data directly, making your life easier.

Want a step-by-step guide? Check out our web scraping tutorial.

Why Web Scraping Matters

Web scraping is a big deal, especially if you’re a young pro looking to crunch lots of data. Scraping Yelp reviews, for example, can show you what customers love or hate and how businesses are trending. According to ScrapingBee, Yelp reviews can swing business revenues by 5 to 9 percent.

Why bother with web scraping?

  • Smart Decisions: Make choices based on real-time data.
  • Market Research: Get the lowdown on customer likes and what the competition is up to.
  • Content Aggregation: Gather info from different places for a full picture.

But hold up—there are legal and ethical sides to this. Yelp doesn’t like people copying or “scraping” their data (Yelp Support). For tips on doing it right, visit our page on ethical web scraping.

Curious for more? We’ve got extra resources and examples in our web scraping basics section.

By getting the hang of web scraping, you can supercharge your data analysis skills, especially when digging into platforms like Yelp.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

When you’re thinking about scraping Yelp reviews, it’s super important to know the legal and ethical stuff. This section will break down what Yelp says about scraping and the bigger picture of data protection laws.

Yelp’s Rules on Data Scraping

Yelp is pretty clear about not wanting anyone to copy or “scrape” data from their site. They spell it out in their support center (Yelp Support). This rule is part of their terms of service to keep their data and user privacy safe. If you ignore this, you could get your account suspended or even face legal trouble.

But don’t worry, Yelp isn’t all closed doors. They offer the Yelp Fusion API for pulling data. This API lets you access different types of info, like business details and user reviews. The catch? The free version has some limits, like only 500 requests a day and no commercial use (

API FeatureLimitation
Daily Request Limit500 requests/day
Commercial UseNot supported
Listings Without ReviewsNot shown
Supported LocalesLimited regions

Data Protection Laws and Web Scraping

Even though Yelp says no to scraping, it can be legal if you follow certain rules. You have to stick to data protection laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe. These laws are all about keeping user privacy and data security in check.

Here are some key points:

  • User Consent: Make sure you’re respecting user consent and privacy.
  • Copyright Laws: Don’t scrape stuff that’s protected by copyright.
  • No Harm to Website: Your scraping shouldn’t mess up the website or its services.

For example, scraping Yelp data in a way that doesn’t harm the site and respects user privacy can be okay under GDPR ( Ethical web scraping means using official APIs, respecting robots.txt files, and not bombarding the server with too many requests.

For more on ethical web scraping, check out our article on ethical web scraping.

By knowing Yelp’s rules and sticking to data protection laws, you can scrape data responsibly and legally. For more tips, dive into our guides on web scraping tools and web scraping best practices.

Extracting Data from Yelp

Getting data from Yelp can be done in a couple of ways. Let’s break it down into two main methods: using JSON API responses and parsing HTML with BeautifulSoup.

Using JSON API Responses

Yelp search results often come in JSON format, making it easier to grab data compared to HTML (ScrapingBee). By focusing on JSON responses, you can quickly get structured data like business names, ratings, and review counts.

Here’s how to start scraping Yelp reviews using JSON API responses:

  1. Inspect Network Requests: Open your browser’s developer tools and check the network requests when you search for businesses on Yelp. Find the API endpoint that gives JSON responses.
  2. Send HTTP Requests: Use Python libraries like requests to send HTTP requests to that API endpoint.
  3. Parse JSON Data: Use Python’s json module to extract the data you need from the JSON response.

Example code snippet:

import requests
import json

url = ''
headers = {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

params = {
    'location': 'San Francisco',
    'term': 'restaurants'

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
data = response.json()

for business in data['businesses']:
    print(f"Name: {business['name']}, Rating: {business['rating']}, Reviews: {business['review_count']}")

This method is straightforward and efficient. For more details on web scraping techniques, check out our article on web scraping techniques.

Parsing HTML with BeautifulSoup

While JSON API responses are handy, sometimes you need to scrape individual restaurant pages on Yelp. For this, BeautifulSoup, a Python library, is perfect as it helps you navigate and extract elements from HTML.

Here’s how to scrape Yelp restaurant pages using BeautifulSoup:

  1. Send HTTP Requests: Use the requests library to get the HTML content of the restaurant page.
  2. Parse HTML Content: Use BeautifulSoup to parse the HTML and find specific tags for details like restaurant name, rating, review count, website, phone number, and address.

Example code snippet:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')

# Extracting relevant data
name = soup.find('h1', class_='css-11q1g5y').text
rating = soup.find('div', class_='i-stars')['title']
review_count = soup.find('span', class_='reviewCount').text
address = soup.find('address').text

print(f"Name: {name}, Rating: {rating}, Reviews: {review_count}, Address: {address}")

To avoid getting blocked while scraping Yelp, consider using services like ScrapingBee, which handle rotating proxies and automated captcha-solving (ScrapingBee). This lets you focus on data extraction while ScrapingBee deals with the technical stuff.

For more information on HTML parsing and web scraping, check out our article on scraping HTML with Python.

By combining these methods, you can efficiently extract valuable data from Yelp, enabling in-depth analysis and insights. For more examples and tutorials, visit our web scraping tutorial.

Tools for Efficient Scraping

Scraping Yelp reviews can be a breeze if you have the right tools. Let’s talk about two popular services: ScrapingBee and the Crawlbase Crawling API.

ScrapingBee: Your Scraping Sidekick

ScrapingBee is like having a Swiss Army knife for web scraping. It’s especially handy for scraping Yelp reviews because it handles the nitty-gritty stuff like rotating proxies and solving captchas (ScrapingBee). This means you can focus on getting the data you need without sweating the small stuff.

Here’s what makes ScrapingBee awesome:

  • Rotating Proxies: Keeps your scraping requests fresh by using different IP addresses, so you don’t get blocked.
  • Captcha Solving: Automatically cracks those annoying captchas, making your life easier.
  • JavaScript Rendering: Can handle JavaScript-heavy sites, which is crucial for scraping modern web pages.

If you’re new to web scraping, ScrapingBee can make things a lot simpler. Want to know more about web scraping tools? Check out our web scraping tools article.

Crawlbase Crawling API: The Customizable Scraper

The Crawlbase Crawling API is another fantastic option for scraping Yelp reviews. It offers a bunch of parameters to fine-tune your scraping requests, making it easier to deal with complex web structures and JavaScript rendering (Crawlbase).

Here’s what you get with Crawlbase:

  • Customizable Parameters: Lets you tweak your scraping requests to target exactly what you need.
  • JavaScript Rendering: Handles JavaScript to capture dynamic content, which is a must for modern websites.
  • HTML Parsing Ready: Gives you HTML content that’s ready to be parsed, making data extraction a snap.

Using Crawlbase can make your scraping more efficient and precise, helping you get valuable insights from Yelp reviews. For more on web scraping techniques, visit our web scraping techniques page.

FeatureScrapingBeeCrawlbase Crawling API
Rotating ProxiesYesNo
Captcha SolvingYesNo
JavaScript RenderingYesYes
Customizable ParametersNoYes
HTML Parsing ReadyNoYes

Both ScrapingBee and Crawlbase have unique features that can boost your web scraping projects. Depending on what you need, either of these tools can be a great addition to your scraping toolkit. For more on setting up your Python environment for scraping, check out our web scraping with python guide.

Storing and Analyzing Scraped Data

Got your Yelp data? Awesome! Now, let’s make sure it’s stored and analyzed properly. Two popular ways to stash those Yelp reviews are CSV files and SQLite databases.

Saving Data in CSV Files

CSV files are like the Swiss Army knife of data storage—simple, effective, and easy to share. They organize your data into neat rows and columns, making it a breeze to read and import into various tools. Perfect for archiving user reviews, ratings, business names, and more.

Here’s a quick Python snippet to save Yelp reviews in a CSV file:

import csv

# Sample data
yelp_data = [
    {"review": "Great food!", "rating": 5, "user": "user1"},
    {"review": "Average service.", "rating": 3, "user": "user2"},
    {"review": "Will visit again!", "rating": 4, "user": "user3"}

# Define the CSV file name
csv_file = 'yelp_reviews.csv'

# Write data to CSV
with open(csv_file, mode='w', newline='') as file:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=yelp_data[0].keys())
    for review in yelp_data:
Great food!5user1
Average service.3user2
Will visit again!4user3

CSV files are great for smaller datasets and quick sharing. Need more info on web scraping with Python? Check out our guide.

Utilizing SQLite Databases

For bigger datasets and more complex queries, SQLite is your go-to. It’s a lightweight, disk-based database that doesn’t need a separate server. Perfect for storing and retrieving Yelp reviews efficiently.

Here’s how to save Yelp reviews in an SQLite database using Python:

import sqlite3

# Connect to SQLite database
conn = sqlite3.connect('yelp_reviews.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()

# Create table
    review TEXT NOT NULL,
    rating INTEGER NOT NULL,
    user TEXT NOT NULL

# Sample data
yelp_data = [
    {"review": "Great food!", "rating": 5, "user": "user1"},
    {"review": "Average service.", "rating": 3, "user": "user2"},
    {"review": "Will visit again!", "rating": 4, "user": "user3"}

# Insert data into the table
for review in yelp_data:
    INSERT INTO reviews (review, rating, user) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
    ''', (review['review'], review['rating'], review['user']))

# Commit and close
1Great food!5user1
2Average service.3user2
3Will visit again!4user3

SQLite is perfect for handling larger datasets and more advanced analysis. For more on web scraping techniques, check out our detailed articles.

Whether you go with CSV files or SQLite databases, both methods are solid for storing and analyzing Yelp reviews. Choose the one that fits your needs best. For more tips on scraping Yelp reviews, dive into our comprehensive guides and tutorials.

Python for Web Scraping

Scraping Yelp reviews? Python’s your best buddy. It’s simple, flexible, and packed with powerful tools to grab, tweak, and organize data like a pro.

Getting Started with Python

First things first, let’s get your Python environment up and running. Python 3.x is the way to go, with version 3.9 being the latest as of April 2022 (Scrapingdog). Here’s a quick guide to kick things off:

  1. Create a Project Folder:
  • Keep things tidy by making a dedicated folder for your scraping project.
  1. Install the Must-Have Libraries:
  • Use pip to get the essential libraries:
    pip install requests
    pip install beautifulsoup4
    pip install pandas
  1. Check Your Setup:
  • Make sure everything’s installed right by importing them in a Python script:
    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import pandas as pd

New to web scraping? Our beginner’s guide has got you covered.

Grabbing Data with Python Libraries

Python’s got some killer libraries to make scraping a breeze. Here’s a quick rundown:


The requests library is your go-to for making HTTP requests. It fetches the raw HTML content from the target URL.


import requests

url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
html_content = response.text


BeautifulSoup is the magic wand for parsing HTML and XML documents. It helps you pull data from specific tags.


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser')
restaurant_name = soup.find('h1').text
rating = soup.find('div', {'class': 'i-stars'})['title']
review_count = soup.find('span', {'class': 'review-count'}).text


Pandas is the data wizard that structures your extracted data into a DataFrame, which you can then save as a CSV file.


import pandas as pd

data = {
    'Name': [restaurant_name],
    'Rating': [rating],
    'Reviews': [review_count]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df.to_csv('yelp_reviews.csv', index=False)

Putting It All Together

Here’s how you combine these libraries to scrape Yelp reviews:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd

url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

restaurant_name = soup.find('h1').text
rating = soup.find('div', {'class': 'i-stars'})['title']
review_count = soup.find('span', {'class': 'review-count'}).text

data = {
    'Name': [restaurant_name],
    'Rating': [rating],
    'Reviews': [review_count]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df.to_csv('yelp_reviews.csv', index=False)

This script grabs the HTML content of a Yelp page, pulls out the restaurant name, rating, and review count, and saves the data into a CSV file. For more advanced tips, check out our web scraping tutorial.

By getting the hang of these Python libraries, you can easily scrape Yelp reviews and other web data. For more tips and tricks, dive into our articles on scraping HTML with Python and web scraping libraries.

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