what is good page experience in google search console

Unlocking the Secrets: Uncovering Good Page Experience in Google Search Console



Discover what is good page experience in Google Search Console and boost your SEO rankings with expert tips!

Understanding Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are like the heartbeat of your website, giving you a pulse on how real users experience your pages. These metrics are key players in determining how well your site performs and can make or break your search rankings.

Why Core Web Vitals Matter

Core Web Vitals are a big deal because they directly affect how users feel about your site and where you land in search results. Google uses these metrics to judge your page’s performance, so nailing them is crucial for climbing the search ladder (Google Developers). By focusing on these metrics, SEOs and digital marketers can ensure their sites run smoothly, leading to happier users and better rankings.

These metrics are essential in Google’s ranking systems as they measure key aspects of loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability (Google Developers). To get a thumbs-up from Google, your page needs to hit the mark in these areas, earning a “Good” page experience in Google Search Console.

The Core Web Vitals Metrics

Core Web Vitals boil down to three main metrics:

  1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  2. First Input Delay (FID)
  3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

LCP measures how fast your page loads. It marks the moment when the biggest piece of content is visible on the screen. For a smooth user experience, LCP should happen within 2.5 seconds of the page starting to load.

MetricGoodNeeds ImprovementPoor
LCP≤ 2.5s> 2.5s and ≤ 4.0s> 4.0s

First Input Delay (FID)

FID measures how quickly your site responds to user interactions. It tracks the time from when a user first interacts with your page (like clicking a link or tapping a button) to when the browser reacts. A top-notch FID is less than 100 milliseconds.

MetricGoodNeeds ImprovementPoor
FID≤ 100ms> 100ms and ≤ 300ms> 300ms

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

CLS measures how stable your page is as it loads. It calculates the total of all unexpected layout shifts that happen while the page is live. A good CLS score is less than 0.1.

MetricGoodNeeds ImprovementPoor
CLS≤ 0.1> 0.1 and ≤ 0.25> 0.25

To get a “Good” page experience rating in Search Console, your page needs to score “Good” in both CLS and LCP, and “Good” or “Not enough data” in FID. By keeping an eye on these metrics in Google Search Console, site owners can spot problem areas and tweak their pages for better performance.

Getting a handle on Core Web Vitals is key to making sure your site offers a great user experience and ranks well in search results. For more tips on setting up and using Google Search Console, check out our guide on how to set up google search console.

Why Page Experience Matters

Getting a handle on why page experience matters is a game-changer for anyone looking to boost their website’s performance. Let’s break down how it affects search rankings and how you can check it out in Google Search Console.

How It Affects Search Rankings

Google’s ranking systems love content that offers a smooth page experience. Sites that nail this are more likely to pop up higher in search results. According to Google Developers, a top-notch page experience can make your site stand out, especially when there’s a lot of good content out there.

Good Core Web Vitals, along with other page experience factors, are what Google’s ranking systems look for. So, don’t just focus on one or two things—aim for an all-around great experience. This way, your site not only ranks well but also keeps visitors happy.

How to Check It in Search Console

Google Search Console is your go-to for checking page experience. It offers metrics like Core Web Vitals, HTTPS security, and mobile-friendliness. Here’s a quick rundown:

MetricWhat It MeasuresWhy It Matters
Core Web VitalsLoading speed, interactivity, and visual stabilityKey for user experience and rankings
HTTPS SecuritySecure connectionBuilds user trust and keeps data safe
Mobile-FriendlinessPerformance on mobile devicesCrucial for mobile users

For more details, check out our guides on what is google search console and how to use google search console.

Core Web Vitals are a big deal for Google’s ranking systems. Aim to get good scores here to boost your search performance and user experience (Google Developers).

Want to up your game even more? Look into fixing issues like intrusive pop-ups and making sure your site is safe to browse. For more tips, see our articles on how to fix 404 error in google search console and how to add sitemap to google search console.

Using Google Search Console, SEOs and digital marketers can make smart choices to improve their site’s performance. Dive into our guides on how to check keyword ranking in google search console and how to fix crawl errors in google search console to get even more out of your site.

Key Elements of a Great Page Experience

Google Search Console is like your website’s health check-up, giving you the lowdown on what makes a page experience top-notch. Two biggies here are HTTPS security and mobile-friendliness.

HTTPS Security

Think of HTTPS as the bouncer at a club, keeping the bad guys out. Google says, “Use HTTPS, not HTTP,” especially if you’re asking visitors for personal info. HTTPS encrypts data, making sure no one can eavesdrop on your users’ info.

HTTPS isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have. Google uses it as a ranking signal, meaning it can boost your site’s position in search results. To get a “Good” rating in the Page Experience report, your site needs to be HTTPS (SE Ranking). Google started this trend back in 2014, nudging website owners to switch for better security (Google Developers).

ProtocolSecuritySEO Impact

Need help setting up HTTPS? Check out our guide on how to set up Google Search Console.


Ever tried browsing a site on your phone and it’s a hot mess? Yeah, not fun. With over half of web traffic coming from mobile phones, your site better be mobile-friendly. If not, you’re losing potential customers left and right (Paradox Marketing).

Mobile-friendliness is a big deal for user experience and SEO, especially since Google switched to mobile-first indexing in 2019. To get a “Good” rating in the Page Experience report, your site needs to be free of mobile usability errors.

Usability FactorUser Experience Impact“Good” Status Requirement
Responsive DesignHighYes
Fast Loading TimeHighYes
Easy NavigationHighYes

For more tips, check out our guides on what is Google Search Console and how to use Google Search Console.

By nailing these key elements, your website will not only perform better in Google Search Console but also give your SEO strategy a solid boost.

Boosting Your Page Experience

Making your website a joy to use is key to climbing search rankings and keeping visitors happy. Here’s how you can tackle some common issues that mess with page experience.

Kicking Out Annoying Pop-Ups

Nobody likes those pesky pop-ups that block the whole screen. They can drive users nuts and tank your site’s rankings. Google’s not a fan either and will ding you for using them. So, ditch the annoying pop-ups and keep your site user-friendly (SE Ranking).

Here’s how to keep your site in the clear:

  • Skip the full-screen pop-ups that hit users right when they land on your page.
  • Use small, easy-to-close banners that don’t hide your main content.
  • If you must use interstitials, make them pop up during user actions like scrolling or clicking, not right away.

Want more tips? Check out our guide on fixing pages with redirects in Google Search Console.

Keeping Browsing Safe

Even though Safe Browsing isn’t part of Google’s Page Experience algorithm anymore, it’s still super important. Your site needs to be secure and free from nasty stuff to keep users safe (SE Ranking).

Here’s what you need to do:

  • HTTPS All the Way: Make sure your site uses HTTPS. This encrypts data between your site and the user’s browser, keeping things secure and building trust.
  • No Malware Allowed: Regularly check your site for malware. If you find any, get rid of it ASAP to protect your users.
  • Fight Phishing: Use strong authentication methods and teach your users how to spot phishing attempts.

By following these steps, you’ll make your site safer and improve the overall experience. Need help setting up HTTPS? Check out our article on adding a sitemap to Google Search Console.

For more ways to boost your site’s performance, dive into our articles on fixing crawl errors in Google Search Console and fixing 404 errors in Google Search Console.

Making the Most of Google Search Console

Google Search Console (GSC) is a must-have for anyone looking to boost their website’s SEO and online visibility. This free tool is packed with valuable insights that can help you fine-tune your site and climb those search rankings.

What You Get from Google Search Console

GSC dishes out a ton of useful data to help you understand and improve your site’s SEO. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Search Performance: Get the lowdown on clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and average position for your pages.
  • User Experience Metrics: Core Web Vitals that show how fast your site loads, how interactive it is, and how stable it looks.
  • Security Issues: Alerts for any security problems like malware or hacking attempts.
  • Manual Actions: Heads-up if Google slaps any manual penalties on your site.
  • Links Report: Info on both internal and external links to your site.
Insight TypeDescription
Search PerformanceClicks, impressions, CTR, average position
User ExperienceCore Web Vitals metrics
Security IssuesAlerts for malware, hacking, other security problems
Manual ActionsNotifications of manual penalties
Links ReportInternal and external linking data

These insights are gold for spotting and fixing SEO issues, making your site user-friendly, and keeping your online presence strong (Databox).

Boosting Your SEO Game

To get the most out of Google Search Console, try these tips:

  • Keyword Research: Dive into the Performance Report to see what keywords you’re ranking for. Use this info to tweak your content, find keywords that aren’t working, and boost your CTR by updating meta tags. Check out our guide on how to check keyword ranking in google search console for more tips.

  • Fixing Technical SEO Issues: GSC can help you spot crawl errors, pages that can’t be indexed, and mobile usability problems. Keep an eye on these reports to make sure your site is easy to navigate and user-friendly. Learn how to fix these issues in our article on how to fix crawl errors in google search console.

  • Improving Internal Linking: Use the links report to find pages that need more internal links. This can help spread link equity and boost the SEO of pages that aren’t doing so well. For more on this, check out our guide on how to check backlinks in google search console.

  • Tracking Performance Over Time: Compare your search performance data over different periods to spot trends and areas that need work. Use this info to tweak your SEO strategy and focus on what needs attention. For a deeper dive, see our guide on what does average position mean in google search console.

  • Enhancing User Experience: Use the Core Web Vitals report to find and fix issues with loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. Better user experience can lead to higher search rankings. Check out our article on what is good ctr in google search console to see how user experience affects CTR.

By tapping into the insights from Google Search Console, you can make smart decisions to optimize your site, boost your rankings, and improve your overall SEO performance. For a step-by-step guide on setting up and using GSC, visit how to set up google search console.

Making the Most of Google Search Console

Google Search Console (GSC) is a treasure trove for SEOs and digital marketers aiming to boost their site’s organic performance. By tapping into its features, you can uncover keyword gems and spot optimization opportunities like a pro.

Digging into Keyword Research

The Performance Report in Google Search Console is your go-to for keyword research. It spills the beans on the keywords your site and its pages rank for, helping you fine-tune your content and pump up those click-through rates (CTR).

Here’s what GSC offers for keyword research:

  • Keyword Analysis: The Performance Report shows search queries, impressions, clicks, and average positions. This helps you see which keywords are pulling in traffic and which ones need a little TLC.
  • Spotting Negative Keywords: By sifting through search terms, you can weed out irrelevant or low-performing keywords and tweak your content strategy.
  • Meta Tag Optimization: Sprucing up meta titles and descriptions based on keyword performance can give your CTR a nice boost.

Want to dive deeper into keyword ranking with GSC? Check out our guide on how to check keyword ranking in google search console.

Keeping an Eye on Performance

Google Search Console is packed with tools to keep your site in tip-top shape. SEOs and digital marketers can use these features to make sure their site is always on point.

Some key tools for monitoring and optimizing include:

  • Search Performance Comparison: GSC lets you compare search performance over different periods, like quarter vs. quarter. This helps you spot trends and areas that need a little love (Databox).
  • Crawl Budget Management: Find pages that are hogging your crawl budget and streamline your site’s indexing.
  • Finding FAQs with RegEx: Use regular expressions (RegEx) to dig out frequently asked questions, making your content more relevant and user-friendly.
  • Automating SEO Reporting: Hook up GSC with tools like Databox for automated SEO reporting, saving you time and keeping your analysis consistent.
Performance ComparisonSpot trends and areas for improvement
Crawl Budget ManagementStreamline site indexing
FAQs with RegExBoost content relevance
Automated ReportingSave time and ensure consistent analysis

GSC also helps you find internal linking opportunities, pointing out pages that need more internal links and helping you optimize older blog posts. This can seriously level up your internal linking strategy and overall SEO game.

For more tips on using these features, check out our article on how to use google search console.

By tapping into the keyword research and monitoring tools in GSC, SEOs and digital marketers can get a clear picture of their site’s performance and roll out strategies to boost their organic search presence. For more tips, take a look at our resources on good average position for keywords in google search console and what is good CTR in google search console.

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