Introduction to Python Dictionaries and Histograms



Python dictionaries are a powerful data structure that allow you to store key-value pairs. They provide a convenient way to organize and retrieve data based on unique identifiers. One common application of dictionaries is creating histograms to count the frequency of items in a dataset. Table of Contents show 1) Counting Items Manually vs Using…

Python dictionaries are a powerful data structure that allow you to store key-value pairs. They provide a convenient way to organize and retrieve data based on unique identifiers. One common application of dictionaries is creating histograms to count the frequency of items in a dataset.

In this article, we’ll explore how to use Python dictionaries to build histograms, using an example of counting name frequencies from an email dataset. We’ll compare the manual approach of tallying counts to the programmatic approach using dictionaries. By the end, you’ll understand how to leverage the power of dictionaries to analyze the distribution of items in your own datasets.

Counting Items Manually vs Using a Dictionary

Let’s say we have a list of names extracted from an email dataset:

names = [
"Csev", "Zqian", "Cwen", "Csev", "Cwen",
"Zqian", "Csev", "Cwen", "Zqian", "Zqian",
"Zqian", "Stephen Marquard", "Stephen Marquard", "Stephen Marquard"

If we were to analyze this dataset by hand, we might visually scan through the list and manually tally up the counts for each unique name. For example, it looks like “Zqian” appears 5 times, “Csev” 3 times, “Cwen” 3 times, and “Stephen Marquard” 3 times.

However, this manual approach has several drawbacks:

  1. It’s time-consuming and tedious, especially for larger datasets.
  2. It’s error-prone. It’s easy to lose track of counts or make mistakes, leading to inaccurate results.
  3. It doesn’t scale well. Imagine trying to manually count frequencies for a dataset with millions of items!

A more robust and scalable approach is to use a Python dictionary to count the frequencies programmatically. Dictionaries allow us to efficiently store and update counts as we iterate through the dataset.

Building a Histogram with a Dictionary

To create a histogram using a dictionary, we’ll follow these steps:

  1. Create an empty dictionary to store the counts.
  2. Loop through each item in the dataset.
  3. For each item:
    • If the item is not already a key in the dictionary, add it with a count of 1.
    • If the item is already a key, increment its count by 1.
  4. After the loop, the dictionary will contain the histogram of item frequencies.

Here’s the code to implement this approach:

counts = dict()
for name in names:
if name not in counts:
counts[name] = 1
counts[name] += 1


Let’s break down what’s happening:

  • We start by creating an empty dictionary called counts using the dict() constructor.
  • We loop through each name in the names list.
  • For each name, we check if it’s already a key in the counts dictionary using the in operator.
    • If name is not in counts, we add it as a new key with a value of 1. This represents the first occurrence of that name.
    • If name is already in counts, we increment its corresponding value by 1 using the += operator. This keeps track of subsequent occurrences of the name.
  • After the loop finishes, the counts dictionary will contain the histogram of name frequencies.

When we print the counts dictionary, we’ll see output like this:

{'Csev': 3, 'Zqian': 5, 'Cwen': 3, 'Stephen Marquard': 3}

Each key in the dictionary represents a unique name, and the corresponding value represents the count of how many times that name appeared in the dataset.

Using a dictionary to build the histogram provides several advantages:

  1. It’s efficient. Dictionaries have an average time complexity of O(1) for key lookups and insertions, making them well-suited for counting tasks.
  2. It’s accurate. By programmatically updating counts, we eliminate the risk of human error.
  3. It’s scalable. The same code can handle datasets of any size without modification.

Handling Missing Keys with get()

In the previous code snippet, we used an if-else statement to check if a name exists as a key in the counts dictionary before updating its count. This is necessary because trying to access a key that doesn’t exist will raise a KeyError.

However, this pattern of checking for a key and conditionally setting a default value is so common that Python dictionaries provide a more concise way to handle it using the get() method.

The get() method takes two arguments:

  1. The key to look up in the dictionary.
  2. An optional default value to return if the key is not found (defaults to None).

Using get(), we can refactor our histogram code to be more concise and readable:

counts = dict()
for name in names:
counts[name] = counts.get(name, 0) + 1


Here’s how it works:

  • We start with an empty counts dictionary.
  • For each name in the names list, we use counts.get(name, 0) to retrieve the current count for that name.
    • If name is already a key in counts, get() will return its corresponding value.
    • If name is not a key in counts, get() will return the default value of 0.
  • We add 1 to the retrieved count and assign the result back to counts[name]. This effectively initializes new keys with a count of 1 and increments the count for existing keys.

Using get() condenses the if-else logic into a single line, making the code more concise and expressive.

The Beauty of Counting

Counting and histograms are fundamental techniques in data analysis. They provide a way to summarize and understand the distribution of items in a dataset. By counting frequencies, we can answer questions like:

  • What are the most common items?
  • How many unique items are there?
  • What is the relative proportion of each item?

Python’s dictionaries make counting tasks simple and efficient. With just a few lines of code, we can process large datasets and extract valuable insights.

As the Count from Sesame Street would say, “Counting is marvelous!” Python empowers us to count and analyze data programmatically, opening up a world of possibilities for understanding and making data-driven decisions.


In this article, we explored how to use Python dictionaries to create histograms and count the frequency of items in a dataset. We compared the manual approach of tallying counts to the programmatic approach using dictionaries and saw how dictionaries provide a more efficient, accurate, and scalable solution.

We learned how to build a histogram by looping through a dataset, using dictionary keys to represent unique items, and values to store the counts. We also discovered how the get() method can simplify the code by handling missing keys gracefully.

Counting and histograms are essential tools in a data analyst’s toolkit. Python’s dictionaries make it easy to apply these techniques to datasets of any size and extract meaningful insights.

So the next time you encounter a dataset and want to understand its composition, remember: Python dictionaries are your friends! They’ll help you count, summarize, and analyze data efficiently. Happy counting!

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